Happy equal pay day? Uncovering myths about equal pay

Happy equal pay day? Uncovering myths about equal pay

In 2023, Dutch women earn on average 7.4% less than men. Recent research shows that the gender pay gap in the Netherlands has even become bigger over the past two years. It is often said that women ‘just need to negotiate better’. Our response? Educate yourself about the true underlying
Janna Visser (redacteur)  •  10 nov 2023
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Janna Visser (redacteur)  •  10 nov 2023
Insecurity and identity - Embracing my bisexual self

Insecurity and identity - Embracing my bisexual self

"Sexual freedom is magnificent and fragile,’’ a bold statement that dr. Julia Shaw starts off with in her book ‘’Bi: The Hidden Culture, History, and Science of Bisexuality.’’ This sounds familiar; Embracing my bisexuality is a complex but exciting journey with ongoing uncertainty. As a bisexual person, I've struggled to express my identity to friends, family, and partners. I wonder if my lack of relationships with women or non-binary individuals automatically categorises me as straight. But my attraction to multiple genders is about what really moves me, not ticking relationship boxes. Sometimes, I feel pressured to validate my bisexuality by dating people from various backgrounds. This journey makes me question if my feelings and experiences are enough to confidently claim the "bi" label.
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The toxic side of gym culture

The toxic side of gym culture

Gym bros have emerged as prominent figures in the fitness world. These adrenaline-fueled gym enthusiasts are deeply invested in the gratification derived from intense physical exercise. Regular gym-goers are likely familiar with the archetype of the gym bro—the individual who excessively grunts
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The reclamation of slurs, part 2: the N-word

The reclamation of slurs, part 2: the N-word

It may sound a bit strange, using an insult as a badge of pride. Today it is known, however, as a process called ‘reclamation’. A means by which marginalised group members consciously label themselves with words once used to hold them down. Doing this allows a sense of ownership of the self, something that's lost after facing years of oppression and prejudice. As a result, some slurs (partly) lose their negative meanings. In this three-part series I will explore how discriminating language evolves through time. To show you that language in general is not rigid, but continuously adapts to our changing views of others. This second article covers the N-word, as an example of racist slurs.
Eva Geerdink (redacteur)  •  15 jun 2022
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Eva Geerdink (redacteur)  •  15 jun 2022
Inequity In Preventive Care

Inequity In Preventive Care

Prevention is better than cure. Most of us know that. We do our best to eat healthily, and exercise regularly to become as healthy as possible. In any capacity, we do our best to take care of ourselves, but we can't do everything alone. For example, as long as we feel good, we don't know whether there
Pia Sophia (redacteur)  •  25 mei 2022
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Pia Sophia (redacteur)  •  25 mei 2022


Various autistic people have found ways around singling out as a minority to actively engage in global politics. In this blog post, I will discuss three autistic influencers: Greta Thunberg, Daryl Hannah and Temple Grandin. The term 'auti-influencers' will be used to refer to a global movement of people
Martine Mussies  •  12 mei 2022
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Martine Mussies  •  12 mei 2022
Vagina Crystals: Are They The New Blood Diamonds?

Vagina Crystals: Are They The New Blood Diamonds?

Vagina crystals, yoni pearls, love eggs… it’s a thing. Sometimes they’re used to increase libido or to strengthen orgasms. Others use vagina crystals to strengthen their pelvic floor, balance their menstrual cycles or to alleviate PCOS symptoms. Sounds like there could be no harm
Pia Sophia (redacteur)  •  20 apr 2022
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Pia Sophia (redacteur)  •  20 apr 2022
Pride, Prejudice and Unemployment: lesbian women and gay men in the labour market

Pride, Prejudice and Unemployment: lesbian women and gay men in the labour market

Lesbian women and gay men face negative bias when accessing the labour market. These biases negatively affect their employment probability and employer tenures. Social scientist Karel Fric researched the labour market experiences and outcomes of lesbian women and gay men in EU member states. With his
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The reclamation of slurs, part 1: ‘bitch’

The reclamation of slurs, part 1: ‘bitch’

It may sound a bit strange, using an insult as a badge of pride. Today it is known, however, as a process called ‘reclamation’. A means by which marginalised group members consciously label themselves with words once used to hold them down. Doing this allows a sense of ownership of the self, something that's lost after facing years of oppression and prejudice. As a result, some slurs (partly) lose their negative meanings. In this three-part series I will explore how discriminating language evolves through time. To show you that language in general is not rigid, but continuously adapts to our changing views of others. This first article covers sexist language, in particular the term bitch.
Eva Geerdink (redacteur)  •  23 mrt 2022
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Eva Geerdink (redacteur)  •  23 mrt 2022
Inequity in maternity care

Inequity in maternity care

The Netherlands is known for the way in which the maternity care system is organized. Unlike other western countries, the Netherlands has a culture in which pregnant people can choose where they want to give birth. Home birth is more common in the Netherlands than in any other western country. The ‘culture
Pia Sophia (redacteur)  •  19 mrt 2022
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Pia Sophia (redacteur)  •  19 mrt 2022
How To Linguistically Never Exclude Someone Again

How To Linguistically Never Exclude Someone Again

When encountering someone, you automatically get an idea of how you will address them. Try to imagine it. By seeing certain facial or behavioral traits, your brain puts the one standing in front of you in a certain box. A box that is heavily colored by your frame of reference. That is how you know,
Pia Sophia (redacteur)  •  19 feb 2022
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Pia Sophia (redacteur)  •  19 feb 2022
Inequity In Dutch Healthcare: A Series

Inequity In Dutch Healthcare: A Series

There is no place that is as safe as under the care of a doctor. Well, at least that's what we expect. It's also what we are promised: newly graduated doctors swear that they want the best for their patients and that they do everything they can to give them the care they deserve. To them, it doesn't
Pia Sophia (redacteur)  •  19 jan 2022
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Pia Sophia (redacteur)  •  19 jan 2022